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Npj Comput. Mater.: 软磁材料的高效设计

2022/7/26 11:29:33  阅读:174 发布者:

新型软磁材料可用于快速能量转换电子器件、电动汽车和风力涡轮机等领域,理解与设计低矫顽力软磁材料具有十分重要的意义。然而,材料科学界长期存在的一个难题是如何理解铁磁材料中磁滞的起源。这里的磁滞是指当磁场增加至饱和时与磁场从饱和降至零时,退磁样品的不同行为,磁场的最终值被称为矫顽力。通常,软磁材料的矫顽力很低,这对自旋电子和存储设备至关重要。目前,一种被广泛采用的降低铁磁合金中磁滞的方法,是通过改变合金的组分以降低磁各向异性常数 κ1,从而减小合金的矫顽力。这个策略虽然取得了不少成功,但依旧存在许多问题亟待解决。比如,在铁镍体系中,随着组分变化会存在矫顽力的突变;在铁硅铝合金中,最小磁滞仅是在磁晶各向异性和磁致伸缩常数接近于零是才能出现;Galfenol合金的磁晶各向异性常数非常大,但磁滞却很小。这例子说明磁晶各向异性常数不是决定磁滞的唯一因素。


该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 8, 4 (2022),英文标题与摘要如下:

Design of soft magnetic materials
Ananya Renuka Balakrishna & Richard D. James 

We present a strategy for the design of ferromagnetic materials with exceptionally low magnetic hysteresis, quantified by coercivity. In this strategy, we use a micromagnetic algorithm that we have developed in previous research and which has been validated by its success in solving the Permalloy Problem”—the well-known difficulty of predicting the composition 78.5% Ni of the lowest coercivity in the FeNi systemand by the insight it provides into the Coercivity Paradoxof W. F. Brown. Unexpectedly, the design strategy predicts that cubic materials with large saturation magnetization ms and large magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant κ1 will have low coercivity on the order of that of Permalloy, as long as the magnetostriction constants λ100, λ111 are tuned to special values. The explicit prediction for a cubic material with low coercivity is the dimensionless number (c11c12)λ2100/(2κ1) = 81(c11c12)λ1002/(2κ1) = 81 for100easy axes. The results would seem to have broad potential application, especially to magnetic materials of interest in energy research.



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