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Nature Communications | 中科院微生物所郭惠珊组揭示大丽轮枝菌致病新机制

2023/8/18 16:22:39  阅读:35 发布者:


近日,中国科学院微生物研究所郭惠珊研究员团队在国际著名期刊Nature Communications发表了题为“DeSUMOylation of a Verticillium dahliae enolase facilitates virulence by derepressing the expression of the effector VdSCP8”的研究论文,揭示了大丽轮枝菌烯醇化酶的去SUMO化通过抑制效应因子VdSCP8的表达从而有助于毒力。



A proposed working model for the role of VdEno in regulating the growth and pathogenicity of V. dahliae

The soil-borne fungus Verticillium dahliae, the most notorious plant pathogen of the Verticillium genus, causes vascular wilts in a wide variety of economically important crops. The molecular mechanism of V. dahliae pathogenesis remains largely elusive. Here, we identify a small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO)-specific protease (VdUlpB) from V. dahliae, and find that VdUlpB facilitates V. dahliae virulence by deconjugating SUMO from V. dahliae enolase (VdEno). We identify five lysine residues (K96, K254, K259, K313 and K434) that mediate VdEno SUMOylation, and SUMOylated VdEno preferentially localized in nucleus where it functions as a transcription repressor to inhibit the expression of an effector VdSCP8. Importantly, VdUlpB mediates deSUMOylation of VdEno facilitates its cytoplasmic distribution, which allows it to function as a glycolytic enzyme. Our study reveals a sophisticated pathogenic mechanism of VdUlpB-mediated enolase deSUMOylation, which fortifies glycolytic pathway for growth and contributes to V. dahliae virulence through derepressing the expression of an effector.



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