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Gematologiya i Transfusiologiya(Hematology and Transfusiology)《血液学与输血学》(或:GEMATOLOGIYA I TRANSFUZIOLOGIYA) (Email投稿;官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《血液学与输血学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率54.70%
  • 主要研究方向医学-HEMATOLOGY 血液学



Gematologiya i Transfusiologiya(Hematology and Transfusiology)《血液学与输血学》(季刊). The journal publishes original theoretical and clinical investigations, review...[显示全部]













Author Guidelines


The journal "Russian journal of hematology and transfusiology" publishes original and basic research, lectures, reviews and clinical observations concerning various sections of hematology, hemostasiology and transfusion: physiology and pathophysiology of hematopoiesis, myelopoiesis, immunohematology, conditions and diseases caused by impaired function and platelet count, congenital and acquired disorders of coagulation and fibrinolysis, thrombosis, thrombophilia, therapy with anticoagulants and disaggregants, oncohematology, transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells, gene therapy, experimental biology and experimental therapy, epidemiological studies on diseases of the blood system, intensive therapy of critical conditions arising from diseases of the blood system, issues of production transfusion, namely the production and testing of blood components, their clinical use in various diseases and other problems.


The journal is addressed to hematologists, transfusiologists, blood service workers, laboratory technicians, therapists, surgeons, pediatricians, anesthesiologists, resuscitators, as well as physiologists, pathophysiologists, pathologists, immunologists, biologists and professionals in related specialties.


During the initial verification of an article performed after it is received by the journal’s editors, the editorial board evaluates whether the article complies with the design rules set out in the instructions for the authors on the subject of the journal, whether it has scientific value and can be sent for review. Articles that do not comply with the design rules and subject matter of the journal and have no scientific value are returned to the authors without further review.


Not accepted for publication work, previously published or sent to other publications. The editors reserve the right to check articles for plagiarism. Plagiarism is recognized as an article where the similarity with the published work is more than 20%. The editors reserve the right to reject without review articles that do not correspond to the profile of the journal or are written in violation of the rules.


Articles that have passed a preliminary assessment by the editors are subject to "blind" review. The manuscript, which received negative reviews from two independent reviewers, is rejected by the decision of the editorial board.


The article, which needs to be improved, is sent to the authors with the comments of the reviewer and the scientific editor. Authors should take into account all comments made in the process of reviewing and editing the article, answer each of the comments and indicate the place in the manuscript where the changes were made. In case of disagreement with the reviewer or editor, the author must briefly and clearly justify his position. Changes made by the author in the manuscript must be made to the electronic version of the text, highlighted in color, and returned to the editor. After revision, the article is re-reviewed, and the editorial board makes a decision about the possibility or impossibility of its publication.


Authors are required to remove from the photographs and manuscripts personal information about the patient, by which it can be identified. If this is not possible, the materials provided must be accompanied by the patient's written consent to the publication of these materials.




The fact of submission of the article and accompanying files (hereinafter referred to as the Work) for publication in the journal is the author, as well as all authors of this Work, if it is co-authored, agree with the fact that the editorial board of the Journal of Russian Hematology and Transfusiology provides an exceptional and the perpetual right to use the Work free of charge on the territory of Russia and foreign countries within the following limits and scope:


publication of the Work in paper and / or electronic format;

production of reprints Works;

posting of the Work on the Internet in both open and paid access;

sending of metadata of the Work or full texts to various indexing databases and depositories;

reproduction of the Work, that is, the production of one or more copies of the Work or its part in any material form, including in the form of sound or video recording (recording of the Work on electronic media is also considered to be playback);

distribution of the Work by selling or otherwise alienating its original or copies;

public display of the Work, that is, any demonstration of the original or copy of the Work directly or on the screen with the help of technical means, as well as the demonstration of individual frames of the audiovisual Work without observing their sequence directly or with the help of technical means in a place open for free visiting or in place where there is a significant number of persons, regardless of whether the Work is perceived in the place where it is displayed or in another place;

import or export of the Work or its parts for any lawful purposes, both on a paid and free of charge basis for distribution;

translation or other processing of the Work;

bringing the Work to the public in such a way that any person can access it from any place and at any time of their choice;

placement of the Work or its parts in various collections of similar works;

granting the rights provided for in this article, in full or in part to third individuals and legal entities both on a paid and free of charge basis.

Submission of articles to the editors


The article can be written in Russian and / or English. The editors reserve the right to abbreviate and edit submitted articles. Date of receipt of the article is the time of receipt of the final version of the article.


At the end of each article should be signed by all authors of the article, who thereby confirm their participation and agreement with the material presented in the article. If the article is sent by e-mail, a scanned version should be sent, which shows the signatures of all authors.


Manuscripts and supporting documents can be submitted to the editor in one of the following ways:


by e-mail at o.levchenko@htjournal.ru. The text of the article is submitted in Word format, and the accompanying documents, including the page signed by all authors of the article, should be scanned and attached to the letter;

by regular mail, with the printed version of the article, the original accompanying documents and the full version of the article on electronic media. Articles submitted without electronic media will not be considered.

Each article should have a title page containing the following information:


title of the article in Russian and English;

the surname and initials of the authors in Russian and English;

the full name of the institution in which each of the authors works, indicating the departmental affiliation of the institution, in Russian and English. If there are several authors, each surname and corresponding institution is given a digital index. If all authors of the article work in the same institution, it is not necessary to specify the place of work of each author separately. If the author has several places of work, each is indicated by a separate numerical index;

surname, full name and patronymic of each of the authors, indicating the position and e-mail address, contact phone number;

ORCID account of each of the authors.

The journal publishes the following types of work.


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