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叙事研究前沿(英文)(Frontiers of Narrative Studies)(国际刊号) (Email投稿)

《叙事研究前沿(英文)》(Frontiers of Narrative Studies)(半年刊),创刊于2017年,由上海交通大学外国语学院跨学科叙事研究中心主办的国际学术期刊。主要刊发叙事研究的原创性论文,尤其聚焦于跨学科和跨媒介的叙事研究、对叙事研究现状的总结与梳理,以及对叙事学基本理论和核心概念的重访与反思等。
本刊为:AMI入库国际刊(2022版) , 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,













Frontiers of Narrative Studies


Frontiers of Narrative Studies (ISSN 2509-4882 E-ISSN 2509-4890)创刊于2017年,由上海交通大学外国语尚必武教授担任主编,由国际知名出版社De Gruyter出版发行,主要刊发叙事研究的原创性论文,尤其聚焦于跨学科和跨媒介的叙事研究、对叙事研究现状的总结与梳理,以及对叙事学基本理论和核心概念的重访与反思等。Frontiers of Narrative Studies为半年刊,分别于每年6月和12月出刊发行。目前,已经出版且已产生较大影响的研究专题有“叙事与自恋”(Narrative and Narcissism)、“实验文学与叙事理论”(Experimental Literature and Narrative Theory)、“非自然叙事:理论与实践” (Unnatural Narratives: Theories and Practices)和“献祭叙事(Sacrificial Narratives, 即将出版的研究专题有“地理叙事学”(Geographical Narratology)和“叙事理论的同与异”(Sameness and Difference in Narrative Theory)等。



Frontiers of Narrative Studies




Instructions for Authors

Submissions to the journal should be written in English. Contributors whose native language is not English should have their manuscripts read by a native speaker before submission. Contributions should be sent to the editor (biwushang@sjtu.edu.cn).

An abstract of between 100 and 150 words must be submitted together with the contribution. Examples not in English must have aligned interlinear glosses and an idiomatic translation. Figures and diagrams must be reproducible originals and should be submitted on separate sheets, carefully numbered and labeled. They should be referred to in the text and the approximate position should be indicated. Notes should be kept to an absolute minimum and be as brief as possible. They may contain no diagrams or tables. They should be numbered consecutively and indicated in the text by a raised (superscript) number following any punctuation marks.

Formatting and style

Once accepted for publication, the author(s) will be required to submit the final version electronically conforming to journal style. Please see the De Gruyter Mouton journal style sheet for details regarding journal style. If possible, a common wordprocessing program such as WORD should be used. Any special characters used should be labeled and clearly identified at their first occurrence. The Editor reserves the right to reject any articles that do not conform to the requirements.


Copies of any letters granting permission to reproduce illustrations or tables from other sources, or lengthy quoted passages, must be included with the manuscript.


Authors are asked to check their manuscripts very carefully before submitting them in order to prevent delays and extra costs at the proof stage. Authors will receive PDF page proofs for correction which must be returned by dates given in the publication schedule.


Upon publication, authors will receive electronic offprints (in PDF format) of their contribution. Guest editors of special issues will receive complimentary print copies of the issue.

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