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2024/3/6 16:39:57  阅读:30 发布者:


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(7) Traces of the current-evoked action potentials in figure 6B implicated that the membrane resistance was increased in the PSD-si-eIF4E group. For example, under the same stimulus conditions (especially at 90 pA), membrane voltage of neurons from the PSD-si-eif4e group appears to be significantly higher than that from the PSD-scr-eIF4E group (the same change also occurred in AAV2/9-EGFP versus AAV2/9- eIF4E-EGFP in Fig. S6). The intrinsic membrane properties of neurons should be analyzed to support the conclusion that neuronal activity was not change.

Response: Referring to the following studies, we further analyzed the resting potential and input resistance (see below).

In the overexpression eIF4E group, there were no statistically significant differences in resting potential and input resistance between the GFP control group and the eIF4E group. Among them, the resting potential of the GFP group was in the interval range of -60 mV to -74 mV and the input resistance was in the interval range of 55.9 MΩ to 110.1 MΩ, and the resting potential of the eIF4E group was in the interval range of -60 mV to -70 mV and the input resistance in the interval of 56.6 MΩ to 92.0 MΩ. Therefore, there is subtle difference in membrane voltage in the presentative waveform plots. Similarly, no statistically significant difference was found in resting potential and input resistance between the PSD-scr-eIF4E group and the PSD-si-eIF4E (interfering eIF4E) group. The resting potential of the PSD-scr-eIF4E group ranged from -61 mV to -75 mV and the input resistance ranged from 58.4 MΩ to 113.7 MΩ. The resting potential of the PSD-si-eIF4E group is in the range of -60mV to -70mV, and the input resistance is in the range of 58.1 MΩ to 103.0 MΩ. Therefore, the membrane voltage also shows little difference in the presentative waveforms.

In some other studies ([1]Fig.4A.B[2] Fig.8B.C[3] Fig.2m.n), similar results are analyzed and presented as the same way (see blow).

From J Neurophysiol101: 30753088, 2009.

From Nature 2017, 549: 345-350


[1] Ye M, Yang J, Tian C, Zhu Q, Yin L, Jiang S, et al. Differential roles of NaV1.2 and NaV1.6 in regulating neuronal excitability at febrile temperature and distinct contributions to febrile seizures. Sci Rep 2018, 8: 753.

[2] Pulver SR, Pashkovski SL, Hornstein NJ, Garrity PA, Griffith LC. Temporal dynamics of neuronal activation by Channelrhodopsin-2 and TRPA1 determine behavioral output in Drosophila larvae. J Neurophysiol 2009, 101: 3075-3088.

[3] Beier KT, Kim CK, Hoerbelt P, Hung LW, Heifets BD, DeLoach KE, et al. Rabies screen reveals GPe control of cocaine-triggered plasticity. Nature 2017, 549: 345-350.

4 需要补实验,尽可能按要求补;实在无法补实验,解释说明客观原因(比如实验条件限制、动物伦理限制等),可以提供一个补实验的方案和计划,即使我现在做不了,但我今后计划怎么做。至于审稿人是否买账,那就难说了。所以,尽可能命运掌握在自己手里,而不要寄托于老天。

5 需要修改完善的地方,除了回答审稿人做了修改之外,尽可能把修改的地方(无论是文字,还是图片表格等)也附在回答问题后面,这样可以让审稿人直接看到你确实做了修改。比如;

(4) Fig.S6C lacks scale bars.

Response: We thank you for kindly reminding us this point. Scale bars have been added into the updated Fig. S6C (also See below).



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