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2023/9/26 8:58:10  阅读:32 发布者:



1.中国科学院大学 公共政策与管理学院,北京100049

2.清华大学 经济管理学院,北京100084

3.清华大学 技术创新研究中心,北京100084)

摘要:新时代,以颠覆性技术为核心的大国竞争与企业创新战略引发重要关注,系统性探究“颠覆性技术创新”(Disruptive Technovation, DT)的理论基础、核心概念内涵与整合框架对于助力“高水平科技自立自强”等国家战略的实现具有相当的重要性与紧迫性。然而,现有关于颠覆性技术创新的研究存在概念模糊、边界不清、框架缺乏整合性等亟待解决的问题。研究首先以技术导向下的创新理论范式演化为视角,系统回顾颠覆性技术创新的理论源起与边界,构建分析颠覆性技术创新的理论基础;进而,基于文献归纳与理论推演,研究提出涵盖技术新颖性(Technological Novelty)、技术优越性(Technological Superiority)与技术外部性(Technological Externality)的颠覆性技术概念内涵体系,并以之为核心梳理涉及颠覆性技术获得(涌现与搜索)、识别、采纳与扩散的颠覆性技术创新研究议题整合框架;最后,研究分析当前形势下我国颠覆性技术创新的机遇、约束与挑战,展望在复杂国际环境与新发展格局下颠覆性技术创新实践与研究发展的未来大趋势。


主要研究结论:新发展格局下,我国颠覆性技术创新将迎来新机遇、新约束与新挑战。全球化与逆全球化的碰撞将引发更加复杂的国际竞争环境,从而影响整个技术创新环境的规模与复杂性。尽管可能存在时域性波动与区域性差异,但整体而言,受限于基础科学的发展周期,整个人类社会创新系统的规模增速将进一步收敛,而技术元素复杂将持续提升。这种趋势所带来的冲击,对于不同创新主体都将产生深远影响:第一,其将为潜在颠覆者带来机遇,创新系统地形学特征的离散化趋势将为颠覆性技术的涌现创造有利环境,潜在颠覆者可以在远离主导性技术领域的场域搜索并获得足以颠覆领先者的技术,这为我国以及其他发展中国家实现技术赶超带来了机遇,诸如量子卫星、特高压输电技术等技术,正是我国在非传统性技术场域实现颠覆性突破的典范;第二,其将为创新者带来约束,复杂性的提升将带来复杂性灾难(complexity catastrophe)以及组合与认知耗尽(combinatorial & cognitive exhaustion),这将对包含领先者与潜在颠覆者在内的所有创新主体带来约束,颠覆性技术的获得越来越难以通过线性思维与本地搜索来达成。此外,伴随着国际竞争的加剧,领先者可能会切断某些重要技术领域间的连接以阻止潜在颠覆者的搜索行为,如发达国家对我国在高强度碳纤维、微球技术、超精密抛光技术等“卡脖子”领域实行技术封锁,以及近期实施的高端芯片“断供”等行为,都旨在“脱耦合”(de-coupling)创新图景以限制搜索;第三,其将为领先者带来挑战,技术系统复杂性是一柄“双刃剑”,其不仅为我国追赶发达国家提供了机遇,也为其他后发国家赶超我国提供了条件。创新如逆水行舟不进则退,如不能把握来之不易的历史机遇期,实现整体的技术突破与创新颠覆,则我国很有可能被其他后发国家赶超。


新发展格局下,创新主体需要构建新思维。为突破约束,把握机遇,应对挑战,创新主体需要通过跨领域整合思维来实现认知升级。在整合式创新(holistic innovation)、有意义的创新(meaningful innovation)等范式的指引下,创新主体将以创新视野的拓展推动组织结构、搜索模式、认知模式的全面升级,在复杂性不断攀升的环境中发掘颠覆性技术。应当认识到,传统静态环境下依赖企业资源获得李嘉图租金(ricardian rent)从而构建可持续竞争优势的战略或将遭遇巨大挑战,基于动态能力与创新基础观(innovation based view, IBV)的企业竞争战略将愈发重要,持续创新能力将是新时代企业获得竞争优势的核心,是颠覆性技术创新的重要前因。与之相适应,企业需不断调整其组织结构、制度设计、文化建设、过程惯例。在实践中,诸如海尔的开放合作伙伴生态系统(Haier Open Partnership Ecosystem, HOPE)、中车集团的“核”战略、徐工集团的双“核”驱动创新、华为的有意义的创新等战略与组织变革,正是运用组织结构的柔性化、资源与能力的整合化等方式,推动创新搜索的离散化与自组织化,或实现创新视野的认知升级,从而匹配复杂适应性系统中的颠覆性技术分布,以提高颠覆性技术搜索的成功率。


Disruptive technovation: Origins, integrated framework, and prospects

(1. School of Public Policy and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;

2. School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;

3. Research Center of Technological Innovation, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)

Abstract:In the new era, disruptive technology-centered competitions between major powers and their enterprise innovation strategies have aroused great concern. It is of great importance and urgency to systematically explore the theoretical basis and core conceptual framework of disruptive technovation to help the realization of national strategies such as "high-level self-reliance of science and technology".

Nevertheless, the existing research on disruptive technovation is faced with significant challenges, such as the vagueness of concepts, fuzziness of theoretical boundaries, and lack of integration of framework. To fill this gap, we conducted our research in three main phases:

Firstly, from the perspective of the evolution of the technology-oriented innovation paradigms, this paper systematically reviewed the theoretical origins and boundaries of disruptive technovation. In this way, we identified the core of disruptive technovation research as the exploration of the nature and pattern of the emergence and diffusion of disruptive technologies. Furthermore, we pointed out the similarities and differences between disruptive technovation and related paradigms by highlighting the technology-centered characteristics and rules. Thus, we built the theoretical basis for analyzing disruptive technovation in this section.

Secondly, based on the methods of literature induction and theoretical deduction, an integrated conceptual framework of disruptive technovation covering was proposed. In this framework, a new technologys disruptiveness could be captured by three main dimensions. The first is Technological Novelty. This phase depicts the technological change of the focal technology compared to the mainstream ones. The second phase is Technological Superiority which represents to what extent a focal technology is functionally competitive rather than the mainstream ones. The final phase is named Technological Externality. We use this phase of characteristics to link disruptive technovation to social demands and national development.

Furthermore, we developed a system of the research issues of disruptive technovation. Specifically, we divided disruptive technovation research into four streams: first, the Acquisition stream focus on the emergence patterns and search modes of disruptive technologies; Second, the Identification stream takes the screening and prediction of disruptive technologies into consideration; Third, the stream of Adoption and Diffusion mainly explore the process of disruptive technovation by which an enterprise uses disruptive technologies to enter an existing market or develop a new market.

Finally, the paper analyzed the opportunities, constraints, and challenges of disruptive technovation in China under the situation of competition between major powersand looked forward to the future trends of disruptive technovation practice and studies under the complex international environment and new development pattern.

Key words:disruptive technovation; disruptive technology; integrated framework; innovation paradigm




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